Coca-Cola jobs Available

Full -time job

Salary R 7000- R 10 000

Apply for job at Coca-Cola one of the biggest company in the whole world ,Coca-Cola is the company that specialized wit cold drinks it have been producing cold drinks for a very long time that made it popular in the whole world , every year it employ new worker so that they can be able to to make more profit so this year this company decided to give jobs to people who has lost they are jobs because of the virus  , there are many people who have lost they are home and family member so the company decided to give hope to the people are are hopeless




  •  Grade 8 and above
  • willing to work overtime
  • team player
  • be able to to communicate
  • ID or passport
  • good driver

if you are willing to work and you can join this company by applying for the job there are many available position in this company which you can apply for here are is the positions that have open

  • General workers
  • Admin
  • picker and packer
  • Drivers
  • security



if you are interested you can upload your CV and start working how to you Apply here is step by step on how you can be able to Apply , you can get the application form here or you can contact the HR here : 860112526 or you can email your CV  to : , you can use one way to apply for the job , apply before the closing date if you don’t meet the requirement you can  , if you want to visit our store you can but bring along the mask because if you don’t have the mask you wont be allowed to enter .

let stay home and be safe don’t for get to wash your hands and keep the distance  when you are out , wear the mask always to protect yourself.

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