Mr Price latest jobs available

Mr Price is the one of the biggest store that sell clothes in South Africa this store is all over South Africa is a fashion store which majority of people like to shop at , it has been here for a long time .Now Mr price is looking for people who are willing to worker , you can join Mr price now and help them to grow big . due to covid 19 Mr price decided to employ people who are looking for job with or with without experience , it will also provide free training for people who doesn’t have any experience ,the training will be for 5 days .

You must be willing to worker so hard , and also be dedicated  so that you can be able to learn fast , if you are interested for this job check the requirement below if you do meet the requirement you can apply , make sure you apply before the closing date , here are the requirement

The   Requirement

  • Grade 10 and above
  • able to use computer
  • be able to read English
  • be able to communicate with people
  • be willing to worker during weekend
  • be able to work overtime
  • one year experience

if you are interested on this job you can apply but you must be willing to do all those requirement ,also check if you meet the requirement first and also if you want to do internship you can also submit your document and wait 3 days for respond , when you submit you must  make sure that you submitted the right CV because many people submit wrong CV or wrong file and later on when they realized it is already too late , so check it before  .Apply here


if you do not meet requirement you can check other jobs on this website it have many jobs which you can find the one that you qualify for never give up on looking for a job one day you will find one ,

you can apply here for this job or contact them here



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