Security jobs available

Security jobs available if you have done security here is the  job opportunity , since people lost their jobs Mafoko security company decided to hire people who have security certificate so that they can be able to work during this time of the year , this company is willing to employ more than 200 people who qualify and also people who want to learn security if you want to do security certificate so if you real want to learn it you can also apply for it

Many people in South Africa lost their jobs due to  corona virus its has caused poverty in South Africa most of people also lost their home because they cant afford to pay them because their are longer working , its  was bad  until most of the company including Mafoko decided to give people jobs , Mafoko security company is willing to give people jobs , those people will be working at university  and at shops so if you are interested for this job you can upload your CV  and also if you want to get the security certificate you can register now , do not let this opportunity  to pass you by  , this is the opportunity that you will never get is hard to find job so apply for it now when you still have chance

Mafoko security patrols started in 2004  since it has started it have been providing jobs for people who have done security it also got more contract at universities and shops around South Africa it also have  more than 1000 workers  and now is willing to hire more than 200 workers

Mafoko offers training for people who want to have security certificate after they are done it also hire them to worker for Mafoko  company

here are the  requirement for the job

  • Grade 8 and above
  • have one year experience
  • able to worker as team
  • willing to worker overtime

if you are interested upload your CV here now , Apply here now , or contact them at t +27 (12) 342 0013
f +27 (12) 342 0019

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